
Updated January 2025

Papers by topic

Dualism and Structural Change
Foreign Aid
Growth Econometrics
Growth Economics

All papers A-Z

Aggregate production functions and growth economics
Aggregate production functions, growth economics, and the part-time tyranny of the identity: a reply to Felipe and McCombie
Aid and conditionality
A positive effect of human capital on growth
The assessment: the New Economy
At the threshold: the increasing relevance of the middle-income trap
The autocratic gamble: evidence from robust variance tests
Balanced growth and the great ratios: new evidence for the US and UK
The calibration of CES production functions
Central bank independence and inflation: good news and bad news
Convergence behaviour in exogenous growth models
Covariate measurement error in quadratic regression
Development priorities: the relative benefits of agricultural growth
Does external trade promote financial development?
Dual economy models: a primer for growth economists
Dualism and aggregate productivity
Dualism and cross-country growth regressions
Dynamic aid allocation
Dynamic development accounting and relative income traps
The econometrics of convergence
Electing for stability: democracy and output volatility, 1960-2019
Equipment investment and the Solow model
Foreign aid and domestic absorption
Generalizations that aren’t? Evidence on education and growth
The geography of output volatility
GMM estimation of empirical growth models
Growth and labour markets in developing countries
Growing into trouble: Indonesia after 1966
Growth econometrics (Durlauf et al. 2005)
Growth econometrics (Temple 2021)
Growth econometrics for agnostics and true believers
Growth effects of education and social capital in the OECD countries
Growth regressions and what the textbooks don’t tell you
Have autocrats governed for the long term?
Human capital, equipment investment, and industrialization
Inflation and growth: stories short and tall
Initial conditions, social capital, and growth in Africa
Implementation cycles in the New Economy
Labor markets and productivity in developing countries
Life during structural transformation
The long-run implications of growth theories
Macroeconomic policy and the distribution of growth rates
Macroeconomic stability and the distribution of growth rates
The methods of growth econometrics
The new growth evidence
Openness, inflation and the Phillips curve: a puzzle
Political institutions and output collapses
Regional growth and regional decline
Rich nations, poor nations: how much can multiple equilibria explain?
Robustness tests of the augmented Solow model
Social capability and economic growth
St. Adam and the Dragons: neoclassical economics and the East Asian miracle
Structural change and Europe’s Golden Age
Virtuous circles and the case for aid